CCAGR 优惠条件招聘办公文员

CCAGR,加拿大农场,加拿大移民,投资加拿大, 起步农场Canada-China agri-food


         加拿大- 中国农业与食品发展交流中心由于工作需要,现招聘全职或者兼职办公室文员:
1. 认真负责,具有独立工作能力和自我管理能力;
2. 具备优秀的中文写作能力和良好的英文表达/写作能力;
3. 具有办公室工作经验,能熟练使用各种办公设备,如打印机、传真机等;
4. 能够熟练使用办公软件,如Word,Excel , PowerPoint 等;
5. 熟练使用Photoshop等图片处理软件,拥有网站编辑经验尤佳;
6. 大专以及大专以上学历;
7. 工资待遇:中心将根据申请人情况提供优惠工资待遇。具体面谈.    ( 申请人也可注明小时工资或者年薪期望值)。
8. 申请人必须能够在加拿大合法工作;
9. 工作地点:Hamilton Downtown, Ontario
       请申请人将中、英文Cover Letter、个人简历发送到 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看 ,或者传真:289 965 0998 。请勿通过电话或微信联系招聘事宜,谢谢理解。由于人手有限,我们只能联系符合条件的申请人,请其他申请人见谅。合格人员将安排在5月中旬面试。



中心优惠招聘 Part-Time University / College Student 工作人员

 CCAGR,加拿大农场,加拿大移民,投资加拿大, 起步农场
         加拿大-中国农业与商品发展交流中心因工作需要 招聘 Part-Time University / College Student 工作人员。
1. 认真负责,具备团队精神;
2. 良好的中英文表达/写作能力;
3  熟练使用Photoshop等图片处理软件以及视频制作软件;
6. 熟悉微信、Instagram, Facebook 等现代多媒体的操作和宣传方式;
7. 办公地点:Hamilton Downtown , Ontario, 靠近大学生生活, 学习的地方;
8. 招聘人员:正在Hamilton的大专院校、或是大学本科在读学生,持有学生签证;
9. 工资待遇:面谈(本中心不招收现金工)
       请申请人发送中、英文Cover Letter、Resume 至邮箱   这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看 。或者 Fax:289-965-0998。
       由于人手有限, 请不要电话或者微信联系我们。我们只能联系符合条件的申请人,请其他申请人见谅。




         加拿大-中国农业与食品发展交流中心是一个蓬勃发展的加拿大注册机构。也是目前中国-加拿大农业与食品合作交流最重要的机构之一。 随着中心工作开展, 我们将招聘各类农业,食品,电脑,英文,生物,广告,公关人才。我们尊重知识,尊重人才, 我们坚信人才是我们发展最大的财富。我们将逐步提供人才培养,成长,发展,施展才能的良好环境。加拿大-中国农业与食品发展交流中心坚持 “德才兼备,以德为先”, 对所有申请者都给予认真的考虑。欢迎有识之士加盟,共同成长。我们将让中心成为您实现理想和抱负之地!

注意: 我们感谢所有工作申请人。 但由于我们人手有限,我们只联系适合人员。谢谢。


“三人行,必有我师”。为积思广益, 加拿大-中国农业与食品发展交流中心诚恳邀请天下贤士对中心发展,业务开展,网站设计,管理模式等等方面畅所欲言,献计献策,恳请大家留下金玉良言。您的 谏言,锦囊妙计一旦被我们采纳并且产生效果,我们马上给予一定的奖赏并且保持长期联系。

   联系我们:  这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看






1.  背景要求:必须有加拿大会计师认证和经验,拥有加拿大酒庄或是加拿大相关企业经验的申请者优先考虑;

2.  工作地点:大瀑布地区,申请人最好目前居住在大瀑布地区,或者有意愿搬到大瀑布地区;

3.  语言要求:优良的中、英文写作水平和表达沟通能力;

4.  工作性质:全职工作, 能够马上入职。
5.  工作薪水:起步年薪 4.5万 — 5.5万加币,具体根据申请人的经验和能力而定。
6.  工作内容:包括酒庄日常所有的bookkepping,财务管理,工资发放,年度预算等相关财务工作以及其他老板交代的工作。
7.  能力素质:工作认真细致,思路清晰,能够独挡一面,具有极强的沟通协调能力。
        请有意向的申请人提交中、英文申请信和简历发至电子邮件 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看
1.  本中心谢绝申请人的任何电话和微信联系。
2.  由于人手有限,我们只能联系符合条件的申请人,请其他申请者见谅。
3.  符合条件者将安排面试。








       Under the general direction of the winemaker, the assistance of winemaker assists and participates in the execution of all winemaking activities during the harvest period related to the production of specific wines in winery. Assists in the directing of crushing, fermentation, blending, finishing and storage of all products produced. This may include some or all of the following: special winemaking projects, inventory management, plan development, blend formulation, cellar SOP review and development, Winemaking Protocols (WMPs), sanitation monitoring and other assignments.


        全职, 起步工作工资 年薪 45000 加元 




        如果您对该职位感兴趣,请将您的中、英文求职信和简历发到电子邮件 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看 。我们将会邀请符合招聘条件的候选人参加面试,请勿电话联系。谢谢合作!


• 协助制酒师 监督葡萄生产过程:包括葡萄收割工作,分配、协调葡萄收获时间,分拣葡萄等制酒前期的原材料准备工作;

• 协助制酒师监测葡萄发酵过程:在葡萄的接种发酵过程中,监控温度,糖度含量,并进行感官评判,味觉评估,以确保发酵过程的顺利进行,监控葡萄酒每批次的品质、进度和状态,协助制酒师解决酿制过程中出现的问题。 

• 参与所有的葡萄酒试验,与酿酒师沟通葡萄酒酿制过程中的实验室试验和分析,结合实验室的试验结果制定各种细化试验以提高葡萄酒的质量;

• 酒窖中的库存核查:负责所有酒窖工作的操作执行,并记录保存转移和损失的准确信息,同时负责成品及散酒数量的报告。与制酒师讨论酒窖中的执行与操作工作以便及时完成订单任务;

• 监督酒窖工作人员的培训:助理制酒师作为酒窖中的管理者,负责对工作人员的培训,以达到酒庄对员工的业务要求标准;

• 建立与酒窖工作人员的友好团队关系,确保交流与沟通的顺畅,制定酒窖操作流程,分配工作计划,高效地完成任务;

• 配合制酒师的要求,高标准地完成制酒师分配的工作。


 • 具有在酿酒,葡萄栽培等相关专业在加拿大获得的学位或证书;

• 至少 2 年在葡萄酒庄的工作经验;

• 良好的沟通能力,精通中文、英语,具备优秀的表达和写作能力;

• 良好的品酒能力,对葡萄酒酿造的主要方面,比如实验室操作,灌装和生产工作流程有深刻的理解;

• 具有较强的独立工作和团队合作能力;

• 熟练的计算机能力和强大的学习能力,熟练运用MS Office软件,精通Excel, Access和Word等

• 能够搬动一箱酒的重量(约45-50磅)



1.      本中心谢绝申请人电话联系。

2.      由于人手有限,我们只能联系符合条件的申请人,请其他申请者见谅。

3.      符合条件者将安排面试。

4.      报名截止: 多伦多时间 9 PM,, 2016年, 10月31日




1. 葡萄酒销售总监




$50,000加元 + 佣金









Email: 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看        Fax: 289-965-0998



Wine Marketing Manager

Job Location:
Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
Job Category:
Wine marketing manager
Annual salary: $50,000 Canadian plus commission
Wine marketing manager at our winery implements a variety of marketing initiatives for the winery. Your primary responsibility is to improve the winery’s brand exposure in the marketplace and increase sales of the winery’s products.
You will perform a wide range of marketing activities to achieve these goals including developing marketing strategies, creating an advertising plan, performing market research, and planning media engagement. It is a high level role that is very important for the success of our winery.
  • Collect market share information from as many reliable sources as possible, to gain as accurate, monitor wine industry trends from related, analyze the information for any use it can be put to in revising targets, strategies, and tactics in the Sales and Marketing effort
  • Establish the short and long term strategic plan (media, pricing, positioning, etc.), complete monthly Nielsen analysis reports for senior management and monthly QA updates to provide updates in sales, market share, to ensure quality standards and identify potential problems.
  • Manage all aspects of advertising development and strategy, including brochures, press kits, newsletters, bottle labels, advertising, website updates and promotions budget, (including invoicing, reconciliation, monthly accruals and preparations of the Project Approval Forms.)
  • Lead, manage, direct the Sales and Marketing Team in the development, creation and execution of the wines sales and marketing plans ensuring that all are completed and executed on time and on budget
  • Consult and collaborate with product development, sales and trade marketing on new opportunities Shares information and relevant data with the team, builds bridges with all departments in the winery and seeks to drive the business and with marketing agencies to develop successful marketing initiatives
  • Continuously refine and revise approaches to achieving revenue and market share targets employing a results based approach, Develop and implement tactics for ensuring all proposals are submitted in a timely manner, with unique and distinctive touches that separate us from our competitors and generate additional sales
  • Oversee all aspects of Sales and Marketing operations, maintains adequate administrative support for the sales effort and ensures the maintenance of accurate and updated account files and follow-up procedures.
  • Bachelor's degree in Communications, Marketing, or Business required
  • Minimum three years’ experience as sales or marketing for winery, food and beverage industry
  • Outstanding spoken and written communication skills
  • Leadership skills and the ability to drive improvement within the business
  • Excellent organisational and planning skills
  • Intellectual curiosity and problem solving skills
  • Ability to be creative and innovative when creating marketing plans and marketing materials
  • Driven, motivated and able to take the initiative
  • Must have a proactive, entrepreneurial spirit
  • Passionate about the wine industry and selling wine
  • Highly confident at analysing market data
  • Able to use a variety of market analysis and analytics software tools
  • Strong customer service orientation
  • Able to work autonomously in a sometimes high-pressure work environment

Contact information:

If you are interested in, please send your cover letter, resume to following email and fax. We will contact you only if you are selected for interview.  No phone call please.

Email: 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看        Fax: 289-965-0998


Wine Inventory Controller

Job Location:
Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
Job Category:
Wine inventory controller
Annual salary: $35,000 Canadian
Under the supervision of Winery Manager, the Wine inventory controller’s main role is to ensure the accuracy of the inventory, oversee the flow of inventory into and out of a warehouse, from ordering, storage, maintenance, loading and shipment; helping in the receiving and order fulfillment activities, by investigating and analyzing inventory discrepancies in order to bring sustainable corrective actions, and by implementing inventory control processes.
  • Oversee shipping and receiving operations, set schedules, monitoring performance and conducting reviews
  • Receive goods and help prepare customer orders, picking orders and internal transfers with the team.
  • Identifying causes of issues by analysis and implementing process improvements as required to enhance the customer experience
  • Maintains systems in backroom to protect inventory, prevent damage and ensure efficient, accurate system for replenishment from back stock/Overstock
  • Review inventory counts and balance accuracy, maintain adequate merchandise quantity and stock levels
  • Maintain good relationship and cooperation with Customer Service, Sales, Purchasing, and Production
  • Own inventory adjustment processes by challenging and explaining discrepancies, approving and executing the adjustments, or correcting transactions in the ERP, based on historical transaction analysis, and presenting reports and recommendations to sales leaders and management
  • Support domestic and international shipping activities
  •  Responsible for all inventory controls, coordinate and handle administrative tasks as it relates to the above responsibilities
  • Two or three years of Inventory controller’s experience in winery, food and beverage industry is desired.
  • Education or certification in operations management, Supply Chain, Logistics/Transportation, or a related discipline is desired.
  • High aptitude for numbers and data analysis
  • Proven track record in implementing inventory control improvements
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Ability to work under challenge, and pressure workload
  • Must be confident and effective communicator both verbally and orally in English
  • Ability to lift 30 or more pounds.
Technical Requirements:
  • Intermediate to advanced knowledge of inventory management technology and tools.
  • Ability to understand inventory movement transactions and reconciling inventory
  • Excellent Excel skills, Proficient with the Microsoft Office Suite
  • Exceptional analytical and troubleshooting capabilities, ability to analyze data/numbers, summarize findings and make recommendations
  • Accounting experience would be an asset

Contact information:
If you are interested in, please send your cover letter, resume to following email and fax. We will contact you only if you are selected for interview. No phone calls please.  
Email: 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看        Fax: 289-965-0998

大瀑布地区农场招聘 Farm Training Manager



        中心受农场主客户委托,现招聘一位全职Farm Training Manager负责管理农场事宜。农场位于大瀑布地区,靠近St. Catharines。 具体招聘要求如下:

1. 经验要求:有无农场管理经验均可;

2. 具备条件:年轻力壮,身体健康,愿意学习,能吃苦耐劳,动手能力强,愿意参加农场管理工作;

2. 语言能力:精通英语,汉语,有较强的交流沟通能力;

3. 工作时间:本工作为全年全职工作,所以希望应聘者居住在农场附近。如果应聘者居住地离农场较远,在应聘者愿意的前提下,夏季农场主可以提供住宿;

4. 工作职责:不仅要参与农场的日常生产、管理工作,还要参与到农场办公室内部的事务管理和产品营销等;

5. 薪资水平: 起步年薪为$2.8-3.5万加元。根据个人具体情况与雇主商定。

         请申请者发送简历至我中心两个电子邮箱 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看 这个电子邮件地址已经被防垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启动JavaScript才能观看 ,以便我们能够及时收到。所提交简历中所有一切内容均为真实姓名和信息,请勿打电话或微信联系,一切事务均通过电子邮件处理。由于中心人手有限,我们将与合格人员联系,商量参加面试等事宜,请其他申请者谅解。谢谢合作!